What is the Biggest RC Helicopter You Can Buy? Top 4 Choices!

biggest RC helicopter you can buy
If you are like the bulk of us RC-crazy guys and girls, you wanna go big or just go home. And since going home isn’t an option, we are just going to have to inform you about the large rc helicopters that are available for purchase…the biggest RC helicopter you can buy. These helicopters are so big, you will feel like you need to wear a headset and get clearance from Air Traffic Control before you can land. Heck, don’t blame us when you start to build a helipad in your backyard, much to your neighbor’s chagrin.
biggest RC helicopter you can buy
Charly_2015 / Pixabay
When we fly, we don’t want just any toy-grade chopper. We need to have the biggest of the big radio control helicopter,so that way we can feel good when we fly and also show off and impress the rest of the gang that loves radio control vehicles!

So What’s The Big Idea?

The big idea is that I would like to show you the best choices I’ve come up with so far. This isn’t so much a product review but an overview of the best ones available for your purchase consideration. Don’t worry, these are all bad to the bone and you can’t lose no matter which big rc helicopter you end up flying.

WL Toys-Large RC Helicopter

Okay, this is about as big as it gets. If it ain’t this big, it’s for a little baby or kid! That’s my motto when it comes to flying machines like this. This one gets top marks for its size, measuring about 70 CM and in its length. Yeah, you might need a forklift for this.
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The controls, despite the size of this huge copter, is very easy to control. This big rc helicopter is so easy to control, even a kid could do it, which is the case with my 7 year old niece. She flew it all over the place and didn’t bump into a thing. The helicopter is very stable for a radio-controlled aircraft of its size, and the manufacturing done on this is of the utmost quality. It ranks in the high-priced range for a machine of this caliber, so be prepared to save your money up or ask for it for your birthday. It even works well on windy days, though I do not recommend actively taking it out when the wind is blowing. Yes, this one will make you feel like a boss!

Lutema 3.5 RC Helicopter

The cool thing about this large remote control helicopter is the way it just defies all other style of other helicopters. It comes to you ready to fly straight out of the box, fully assembled. It is a very strong helicopter, as it features metal frames that make up its body. This ensures an easier time for navigation, and helps you cut through the gusts of wind that sometimes come when you are flying around. But the best thing about this helicopter is how it feels so real when you fly it. Yes, it feels just like a real helicopter! There are even LEDs that add to the sense of realism. You can fly this thing indoors or out and you will get about a 30 meter range.
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The built in gyro is a serious value add, and believe me when I say you will lose track of time playing with this thing. If you do unfortunately experience an accident whilst flying this thing, you can simply contact Lutema through their website, and they will happily assist you in getting a new part.

Extra Large GT Helicopter

The GT model is another extra-large rc helicopter that is so easy to get your hands on-and so tempting, too. One thing I really liked about this was that it was super easy to fly around.Like the Lutema we discussed earlier, this one features some great flashing LED lights, so I don’t think twice about taking this into the backyard. It is well lit back there and easy to see, I can practice my night landings and takeoffs with no worries at all. You might even get a curious neighbor out to see your flying machine, too-that’s how cool it looks. You will also get a gyroscope-that comes with it too-and you will also get a kick out of the long battery life that comes with this amazing product. That way, the fun never stops, and you can fly to your heart’s content. Well, maybe it is best to note that the fun does have to end eventually, as the battery on this beauty requires 3 consistent hours of charge time. But patience is a virtue that will pay off -and it also comes with spare blades for free for a quick and easy repair.

Super Durable Nano Quadcopter Drone

This one is not like the others. This a great, new rc helicopter 2016 model that is manufactured by the Meijiaxin company. They did not skimp when it came to making sure each and every detail was accounted for. The reason I bring that up is because of the remote control that comes with an LCD to make things easier for you to see, control and think about.
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The look, the feel and the flying of this copter will have your jaw on the floor. Everything flows smoothly, almost like you are controlling it with your mind. You can adjust the controls and fly at the level of power that works for you. Flying at 85% works best for me, as that is where I can control this copter the best.

Is the Biggest RC Helicopter also considered the Best Outdoor RC Helicopter?

Is the biggest RC helicopter also considered one of the best outdoor rc helicopter picks? Size doesn’t always guarantee superiority. While the biggest RC helicopter might offer impressive flight capabilities, it may lack agility needed for outdoor adventures. It’s essential to consider other factors like durability, stability, and maneuverability when looking for the best outdoor RC helicopter picks.


Altogether, you deserve to have a nice time when you fly your large RC helicopter of choice. Choose a helicopter that fits your budget, or put in some extra hours at work so you can get the one you really want to fly. We guarantee you will have a great time, and you will definitely rule the air when you show up with one of these beasts. Enjoy!