What Are The Best RC Tanks That Really Shoot?

rc tanks that shoot
rc tanks that shoot
AKuptsova / Pixabay
Ever had an RC tank that didn’t shoot? I mean, really, where is the fun in that?! With this in mind we have compiled a list of RC tanks with a high fun factor where you won’t have to be disappointed when it comes to shooting. These tanks not only fire but some of them will recoil, emit smoke, and more! If you are an RC war vehicle enthusiast then this is your lucky day! Let’s talk about some RC tanks that really shoot! (Note, these are RC tanks that shoot BB’s. An RC tank that shoots real bullets, while fun, is quite illegal until we all grow a bit more responsible as a whole.. sorry folks!)

The Tanks

We’ve painstakingly reviewed a number of models before arriving on our top 4 list that we are about to share with you. Each of these tanks has its own particular charm and whether you are looking to add to your collection or to surprise a friend then you can’t go wrong with any of these. Without further ado, let’s list our selection of the best RC tanks!

1. United State M1A2 Abrams Battle Tankremote control tank that shoots

We’re starting off our list with a very nice M1A2 Abrams that packs a lot of punch. Let’s go into the specs and features a bit to show you. This tank comes with the following:
  • Dimensions – Weighing in at 5.1 pounds, this tank measures 16″Length x 6″Wide x 5″Height.
  • Round capacity – Holding up to 50 6mm bb’s, this tank is capable of a good, continuous barrage when required.
  • Treads – Caterpillar treads provide an excellent grip as you maneuver your tank into position.
  • Special effects – Realistic engine and gun sounds make this tank a lot of fun.
  • Turning radius – This machine turns at a 300 degree radius and the turret moves up and down at a 20 degree radius.
While not the most impressive range of features, this is still a fun tank and worth consideration. Priced around $75 it’s a good beginner model that will not disappoint. View this item on Amazon

2. Russian T90 RC Tank

Our second entry is a nice little Russian T90 that we think you will enjoy. Here are the specs:
  • Dimensions – Measuring in at 23″ length x 8″ width x 9″ height, this is a good sized tank.
  • Round capacity – Holds 20 bb’s, so calculate your shots. It will shoot them 80 feet, however.
  • Treads – The metal treads on this model are quite nice.
  • Special effects – Main gun effect, machine gun, engine, and even an engine startup sound. This model also comes with a smoke generator. We were very happy with the effects.
  • Turning radius – 320 degrees rotation coupled with 30 degrees elevation and lowering of your turret.
  • 2.4 ghz controller – Can control up to 20 tanks, not too shabby, eh?
This is a little more like it. With the sound effects and the larger size it feels a bit more monstrous, although we would have liked a higher bb capacity. All in all, still a fun tank and priced at around $240. View this item on Amazon

3. Russian KV1rc tanks that shoot bbs

Another fun little number to add to your collection. This tank sports the following:
  • Dimensions – Measuring in at 16.93 length x 8.27 width * 6.69 height, this is a medium sized RC tank that’s easy to port around.
  • Round capacity – Holding up to 40 bb’s, you can keep up a pretty good rate of fire as you like.
  • Treads – Plastic, but durable. These get a good grip.
  • Special effects -These have sound effects for startup, your engine, machine guns, and for firing your main gun. Smoke effects for engine operation and from the mufflers. This is a cool little tank.
  • Turning radius – 320 degrees like our previous model, with a raise and lower of 30 degrees.
At $188 this is not going to break the bank and you are sure to have lots of fun with it. Now, for our last entry… View this item on Amazon
                        ” Upgradeable to metal tracks, this is a very serious replica.”

4.  United States M4A3 Sherman RC Tank

best rc tanksThis is our favorite from the list. Take a gander at the specs and features that we have listed below and you will certainly see why!
  • Dimensions – This tank measures in at 15 x 6.8 x 7.5 inches and weighs in at 7.7 pounds.
  • Round capacity – This model holds a whopping 100 bb’s, making this our favorite for assaults.
  • Treads – Upgradeable to metal tracks, this is a very serious replica. It also has a 35 degree climbing gradient for rough terrain.
  • Special effects -Comes with smoke for added realism as well as motor starup, engine sounds, the machine gun, and your cannon.
  • Turning radius – This sports the full 320 degree turning and 30 degrees up and down.
  • 2.4 gigahertzcontrols – This controller can manage up to 20 tanks if you feel like moving a small army.
  • Accessories – This model comes with some cool accessories, including shovels, little knapsacks, and extra bb/cannon shots. It’s a nice touch!
Overall, this tank was our favorite. Pricing in at around $250, considering the quality and the extras this really is a great deal.  View this item on Amazon

Are There RC Repair Shops That Specialize in Repairing RC Tanks?

If you’re wondering, Are there any rc repair shops near me that specialize in repairing RC tanks? Look no further. A quick search online will help you locate specialized rc repair shops near me, dedicated to fixing and restoring RC tanks. With their expertise, you can ensure your beloved tank is back up and running in no time.

Some final words

When it comes to remote control tanks that really fire rounds the models that we have listed here are the cream of the crop. RC army tanks that shoot are just plain fun(except perhaps for the pets, so if this is a gift for your child then watch them carefully). Whether you are creating small wars, dueling a friend, or simply enjoy smaller-scale replicas from vehicles that were pivotal in shaping many a campaign, RC tanks like these are sure to provide the entertainment that you require for many happy years to come. So what are you waiting for? The campaign begins at 04:00 hours, Sir!