Who Invented the Drone and Quadcopter?

who invented the quadcopter

Have you heard of drone or quadcopter flying? It’s a concept that’s been around for a long time now, though many still question: Who invented the drone and quadcopter?

There’s been a lot of talk and debate regarding who invited drone flying and how it came to be. And when talking about quadcopter flight, the more questions people have about it! This is because there have been a lot of prototypes which fit the standards of quadcopter flight.

So if you’re wondering about the first quadcopter and drone, read on! I did the research to learn about the history of both these intentions to help you out.

What Are Quadcopter Drones?

BUT, the main difference between controlled aircraft and drones is that there are pilotless autonomies with the latter.

Before anything else, I first want to define what quadcopter drones are. This can help explain more of the drone’s history!

Fixed wing RC aircraft were created after World War II, meant to help USAD and RAF with their aerial gun practices. As the decades passed, the inventions began to expand and it became helicopter crafts for enthusiasts. BUT, the main difference between controlled aircraft and drones is that there are pilotless autonomies with the latter.

Drones needed constant attention of ground pilots to stay airborne, having NO cruise or stabilizing features we see in modern models today.

When taking that definition seriously, that means the early quadcopter experiments aren’t “part” of who invented it. Drones needed constant attention of ground pilots to stay airborne, having NO cruise or stabilizing features we see in modern models today.

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Furthermore, it now raises the issue of how quadcopter UAVs quality as drones. For instance, palm-sized quadcopters used indoors are RC aircraft and aren’t drones. That’s one difference between a drone and a quadcopter to take note of!

who invented the quadcopter
Free-Photos / Pixabay

It’ll raise questioning into what qualifies as a drone or quadcopter.

That’s why it’s important to look into the developers and models who created quadcopters with features we have today. And as expected, it’ll raise questioning into what qualifies as a drone or quadcopter. That’s why I’ll be looking into the specific factors to help you out, so continue reading!

Why Do We Only Consider Modern Quadcopters?

You’re probably wondering: Why is it that only modern quadcopters qualify to know who invented it?

That’s why I only consider models which were developed since the last decade.

Quadcopters were able to perform advanced roles like self- controlled landings, automatic hovering, wind adjustment, and more. Sure, drones still have dependency towards the ground pilot, but a lot of the features today help with adding more automation to its flight process, which fits the standard meaning of drones.

That’s why I only consider models which were developed since the last decade. With their more automated features, they’re a part of drones, compared to older models which had to be controlled completely by pilots.

who invented drone
Pexels / Pixabay

The Realistic Contenders

Now that we know about the timeline to consider when it comes to answering who invented drones, what’s the answer?

The Phantom was released before the Parrot, but the latter had a prototype first.

With the many different drones and quadcopters available, it’s difficult pinpointing the first RCdrone or the first RC quadcopter! However, there are contenders to look into, which can hopefully give us a clearer answer, which is the DJI Phantom and Parrot AR Drone.

These two drones were invented at around similar times. The Phantom was released before the Parrot, but the latter had a prototype first. That makes it difficult figuring out who really came first, since the Phantom was commercially available first, while the Parrot was invented before.

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Their Features

Both of these also utilize sensors which measure and adjust the altitude and wind speed automatically.

Both of the drones have similar designs that quality as an aircraft and the definition of drones. They’re made mostly to use high-quality cameras to take photos and videos, also having amazing gimbal features for stabilization. Both of these also utilize sensors which measure and adjust the altitude and wind speed automatically.

Furthermore, you can pilot these devices with a wide range of choices, may it be through tablets, laptops, or phones. But, they do have huge differences in terms of their appearances. While they don’t look alike, they have similar principles and uses to control their own flight systems, which were theorized over a hundred years ago.

But who do we have to thank for the invention of quadcopter drones: The one who conceptualized it, or the one who created it?

That just proves that the concept of quadcopters DO work! But who do we have to thank for the invention of quadcopter drones: The one who conceptualized it, or the one who created it?

Who Invented the Drone and Quadcopter?

Now we know all about the first quadcopters and drones, as well as its history. But the question is: Who invented the drone and quadcopter?

first rc drone
moerschy / Pixabay

But we also have to take into account the constant development of technology, which continues to grow and innovate thanks to various sources.

Just like determining the contenders, there aren’t any clear answers. When you look at it conceptually, the idea of drones goes far back through designs from both French and Germans in the 20s. However, when looking into working drones, it’s best to look into more recent times.

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But we also have to take into account the constant development of technology, which continues to grow and innovate thanks to various sources. Even the best quadcopter drones of today will become even better and progress, creators solving any issues in the near future. That’s why I would rather focus more on the future of quadcopter drones rather than look back and debate over who invented the drone in the first place.

For now, I believe that the two examples cited above should most likely be recognized as the first ever quadcopter drones.

But if you really want to learn the answer, this is my take on it:

For now, I believe that the two examples cited above should most likely be recognized as the first ever quadcopter drones. This is despite the well-proven theory made years before the invention.

However, unlike those who have created, theorized, and patented their inventions, it will be difficult knowing who the true inventors of quadcopter drones are. And I feel like the debate will continue for even more years to come.

Wrapping It Up

When wondering about the first drones and quadcopters, there are a lot of things to consider. With such a vast history, it’s interesting figuring out when and what made this cool invention come to be.

I hope my article on who invented the drone, particularly the quadcopter, gave you an idea of its history. So don’t wait any longer and learn more about quadcopter drones now!

If you have any questions or want to share your own knowledge on the first quadcopter, then comment below. Your thoughts are much appreciated!