So, you’ve got your new Phantom 4 and you want to make the most of your flight experience. You need to take advantage of that high resolution camera and you want to practically feel the wind around you as you soar the skies. How do you go about picking the best viewing portal? While they take a little tweaking, tablets can be used instead of phones in order to give you a larger viewing area without sacrificing the quality of your experience. You just need to know where to look. In today’s article we are going to give you our advice on the best tablet for DJI Phantom 4. We’ll give you the specs and tell you what we liked and before you know it you’ll be soaring around with a high-res large display to compliment all that drone power!
Click here to view the Phantom 4 on Amazon
Tablets vs. Smartphones
In general, a high end smartphone is going to give you the best performance but you are sacrificing that all important screen size. The thing to keep in mind when it comes to this is that you do NOT have to sacrifice viewing area to have enough power for a connection that has no jumps or ‘stuttering’ when you are flying your new drone. So, are all tablets compatible? Sadly, this is not the case. DJI Go software will run on many of them but you can lose connection or experience frame jumps, it’s not pretty. That is why we have evaluated a number of tablets which are available on the market so that we can recommend good, affordable tablets that you can use with the DJI Go software which are going to have a strong enough connection and graphical power so that you can get high resolution on a large screen without any interruptions to the joys of flying. Now that we have piqued your interest, let’s take a look at the tablets that are going to get you what you crave.
Our favorite tablets for DJI Phantom 4
Now that we’ve discussed the pertinent info, let’s get to the tabs which we feel are the best value and performance when it comes to DJI GO and your Phantom 4. Without further ado, here are our favorite selections!
Google Nexus 9 Tablet 
When we were first introduced to the Google Nexus tab there was a lot to be desired. That was then, however, and this is now. When it comes to an inexpensive tablet that you can interface with your Phantom 4 the Nexus has a lot going for it. The important thing is to keep it free from apps. Let’s go into some of the perks. The Google Nexus gives you a 1920 x 1200 display, so flying around is going to look GOOD. Processorwise, this baby has a 1.5 ghz quad core, 32 gigs of onboard memory, and the GPU is an Adreno 320. The tablet itself is an 8.9 inch size and while the DJI Go app is technically unsupported it works fine and you won’t experience stuttering with your high res experience. Battery life on this unit is what puts it at number 3, however, as you’ll only get about 8 hours of performance at a time. That said, even with battery swapping to extend your flight time, unless you are running around with 20 spare drone batteries you should still have plenty of time with your drone. This is one of the best, cheapest options and if you check around a little you can find a used one for a pittance that you’ll be happy you spent.
Lenovo Tab 4
Our second selection is a 10.1 inch tablet and it’s a Lenovo so you know that there is quality involved. This unit comes with a 1.4 ghz quad core Snapdragon processor and 2 gigs of ram compliments why a 1280 x 800 display. While this is not quite as granular a display as the Nexus you will want to factor in
“You’ve got a good amount of room for your videos.”
the additional screen size and another gem that comes with this unit… the battery life. Even utilizing the WIFI, your Lenovo Tab 4 is rated for 20 hours of battery life, so you will have plenty of time to review the snapshots and videos of your flight after the fact. It has 16 gigs of onboard memory and you can expand with an SD card slot that supports up to 128 gig, so you’ve got a good amount of room for your videos. As far as tablets for DJI Phantom 4 use, this one is quite the bargain but there is one caveat, with a screen this large you are going to want a glare guard to ensure that the view is perfect.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A
Our final entry is the smallest of the lot but don’t let its size fool you. Samsung has earned their reputation for quality and this tab is no exception. With an 8” display, 1280 x 800 resolution, and 32 gigs of onboard memory (upgradeable to 512gb), you’ve still got plenty of viewing room. Battery life on this unit is an appreciable 13 hours and you get a quad core 2.0 GHZ processor in the bargain, so this is going to be the fastest of the bunch. This unit is also fully supported with the DJI GO software and so you aren’t going to experience any drops or stuttering to hamper your enjoyment of your Phantom. If you want the best and don’t mind a smaller screen size, then the Samsung is definitely the way to go.
What Is the Best Tablet for 3DR Solo Drone?
When it comes to enhancing your 3DR Solo drone experience, finding the best tablet is crucial. The compatibility and performance of different tablets vary, but some top choices for seamless integration with the 3DR Solo are the iPad Mini 4, Nexus 9, and Nvidia Shield K1. These best tablets for 3dr solo offer excellent features, display quality, and smooth navigation, ensuring a remarkable drone piloting experience.
Some final words
Now that we have established the Samsung as the winner we’d like to point out that all of these selections are going to be great for your Phantom, so you really can’t go wrong with any of them. Just dedicate it as your ‘flight tablet’ and keep off those extra apps that can eat memory and you’ll be very happy with whichever one you selected. Count on it!